Civic & Community Engagement

The Office of Civic and Community Engagement is actively committed to designing strategic engagement processes across neighborhoods, businesses, educational institutions, civic and community partners. The office proactively engages the community in a numbers of ways; including internships, solution oriented- discussions, innovative leadership seminars, service-learning and volunteer opportunities.

  • Build a broad partnership coalition of educational institutions, local government and civic organizations.
  • Educate key stakeholders regarding universal best practices, as it relates to economic development, education, workforce development, and the impacts at both the local and state level.
  • Serve as a governmental emissary for educational institutions.
  • Establish and maintain an evolving centralized resource database.
  • Build partnerships to address the service learning and volunteer challenges in the community.
  • Mobilize resources, influence systems, and convene partners to address policies, programs and standards across multiple sectors.