The Citizens’ Commission on Municipal Revenue (CCMR) was established by Mayor Sly
James on July 27, 2011. CCMR members are Kansas City Missouri residents and consist of representatives from diverse geographic, racial, and ethnic backgrounds recruited from among the business, civic, neighborhood, and non-profit communities.
The mission of the CCMR is to analyze the City’s current revenue structure, consider the fairness and level of each major source, explore additional opportunities for improvements, and provide the Mayor and City Council with innovative recommendations to improve the City’s long-term financial position. CCMR was not tasked with review of spending issues. However, CCMR did review expenses and financial need in the context of designing an optimal revenue structure that will ensure growth, fund basic services, and enable the City to fund dynamic projects. The full text of the Commission’s Charter Statement can be found in Appendix B of the report.
To review the complete report, click HERE.